
Fairy Tale Camp

It’s back! Register today for Highlander’s “Fairy Tale” Camp (Open to the public). Spots are limited and will go FAST! To register, return the camp form and check for $125 to the Highlander office.

Where: Highlander School

When: May 26-29, 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 noon

Who may attend: Children from 4 years old (by May 26) to those entering Kindergarten in the fall of 2020. Must be potty trained.

Who will teach: Mrs. Brazeal & Mrs. Patterson
(Highlander Pre-K I and K teachers)

Cost: $125.00 per student, payable at registration

Students will experience the magical world of fairy tales using these classic stories as a catalyst for art projects, songs, games, and hands-on activities, enhancing reading, writing, gross and fine motor skills.

Please return the lower application to Highlander School, 9120 Plano Road, Dallas, TX 75238, Attn: Fairy Tale Camp. Please include your $125 check, made payable to Michele Patterson.
Call 214-348-3220 with questions. Registration deadline is May 12, 2020.

Print the registration form.